Mission Statement:
Charlotte Green is a private, non-profit group of persons from religious organizations, businesses, and city agencies organized to assist interested and well-organized community groups to beautify their neighborhoods by:
1.) Planting vegetables, flowers, and shrub gardens on vacant lots (Lotscape)
2.) Planting trees, shrubs, and flowers on streets (Streetscape)
3.) Flower containers at private residences
4.) Greenhouse projects
Our Goals:
Gardeners save money by producing their own food.
Unkempt and trashy vacant lots are transformed into beautiful vegetable and flower gardens.
Barren streets are turned into well-maintained areas with flowers, trees, and shrubs.
The overall appearance of the neighborhood will improve.
Residents will organize to become involved and concerned about the betterment of their neighborhoods.
The community, as a whole, as well as religious organizations, businesses, and city agencies, will become more aware of the needs of neighborhoods.